• Pure Taste

    exclusive flavours

    best selections

    Aroma sealed

  • Pure Nature

    no artificial flavors

    naturally sustainable

    Organic quality

  • Pure Design

    unique appearance

    timeless shape

    clear code


Unser Bekenntnis zu ,rein vegan* spiegelt sich in der Essenz unserer Tees wider. Jede Mischung ist eine Verschmelzung von Aromen ohne Kompromisse - frei von Zusatzstoffen und voller Geschmack. Genießen Sie nachhaltig.

  • 250 +

    different types of tea tried and rated in tea tastings.

  • 39+

    selected types of tea for the expandable overall range.

  • 10+

    selected types of tea for the starting range, continuously expanded.

Creating sustainable tea experiences that become your very own stories.

  • pure Design

    The "pure design" of our packaging is aesthetic and simple, the violet glass ensures the taste experience down to the last spoonful.

  • pure Nature

    Our claim to "pure nature" manifests itself through our sustainable and natural ingredients.

  • pure Attraction

    Our "pure attraction" can be found in the first impression, because our tea tastes the way it looks and smells.

What does SKEISAN stand for?

The first tea experience and its discoverer as the basis for our word mark.

In ancient China, the emperor once camped under a tree and boiled water in a kettle over the fire. When a light wind blew some of the tree's leaves into the hot water, the emperor noticed that it turned a light green color and smelled pleasant. He tried a cup - his first tea experience - and was amazed by the refreshing and invigorating effect of this drink from the wild tea tree that the emperor had discovered in this way.


The emperor's name was Shen Nung.


Son of Heaven.

1. Son and sky.
2. Sky and son.
3. Skyson.

Phonetic: Skeisan.

What does the SKEISAN code stand for?

All of our teas have their own personal touch - in their texture, taste and development.

How do we make this difference visible?

For clear identification, our SKEISAN code consists of a combination of letters and numbers.

Example B1.0:

B1.0= Category

B1.0 = Pure tea blend

B1.0 = Natural Darjeeling black tea

(B2.0 = refined mixture)

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